S3 API client dedicated to eDesk
RSend is an S3 file-transfer application dedicated to the transmission of legal reports to the eDesk (CSSF) platform. RSend is primarely focussed for automation (BATCH mode), but is also declined in an interactive (GUI) version.
S3 API client dedicated to eDesk
Automate the eDesk filings
RSend BATCH, released in 2024, is the simplest and most effective S3 solution to automate the filings to the CSSF. It benefits of our strong expertise & experience of the domain, but also our qualified support.
Automate the eDesk filings
Ease the sending of reports to eDesk
RSend GUI is smart and nifty application, developped for the Luxembourg market. It allows declarers or technical senders to quickly send their reports to eDesk without the need to connect to the platform.
Ease the sending of reports to eDesk
RSend GUI- General
Status : RSend GUI v1.0 will be released during 4Q 2024.
RSend GUI is a compact Windows application allowing the declarers or technical remitters to send their legal reports to eDesk in a few clicks. Compared with RSend BATCH, this version of RSend is purely interactive (GUI = Graphic User Interface) and can't be used for automation, thus, reducing its license cost.
With the introduction of eDesk and the new mean of transfers, the CSSF insisted on the "free of charge" aspect as one can upload manually the reports or use a free/open source S3 client. Question could be : what would be the added-value of purchasing & using RSend ?
What are the benefits of RSend, compared with a free method ?
The decision to develop RSend was first to respond to the need of automation, the BATCH version of RSend. With thousands of reports per year, great institutions will automate this task, as they did for the two historical channels. RSend was developped to furnish them a dedicated Luxembourg-made solution, but also a local and professional technical support.
RSend GUI is currently being developped in order to respond to the demand of some of our customers. By discussing with them, we learnt that they are interested by such a dedicated application : one half because of its simplicity and dedicated usage with handy business options, the other half because they want to benefit of our expertise and advices in regard to the domain (compliance / legal reporting).
Here are a few aspects we encourage to take into consideration :
- The cost of RSend, on a yearly basis, is low
- Customers having an RSend license benefit of our support & expertise
- For management, this insurance of having an expert team at one's disposal is important. Many companies have understood the importance to be in good standing with the CSSF
- Reports can be quickly sent without the need to connect to the eDesk portal and perform manually the operation
- Users using RSend do not need to have their access on eDesk, these accesses remain granted to managers and directors
- You can try RSend GUI for free and at the same time put to the test our support
Release plan - 2024
- Early 2024: a first version with a temporary interface is available and used by a few test-pilot customers
- Mid-2024: we focus on releasing the version v1.0 of RSend BATCH then finalize the GUI version
- 4Q 2024: release of version v1.0 of RSend GUI + a free trial license package
The RSend GUI pages will be updated accordingly during the coming months.